Budget & Accounts
Arshad Raheem & Co
Chartered Accountants
Yousaf Islam House
39-Link Farid Kot Road
Near A G Office
Lahore-54000 Pakistan
Tel: (92-42)37312590-37236167-37236169-70
Fax: (92-42)37236168
M/S Arshad Raheem & Co, Chartered Accountant are auditing the accounts on regular basis to ensure their transparency.
financial statement 2014
The school is run under spartan conditions and has very tight budget. There are no overheads and every penny contributed is directly spent towards the cause of educating the children.
The Trust derives all of its income from donations and contributions of the citizens and private organizations. FDT invites you as partners to actively participate, guide, support, donate and contribute to make this project a success and expand its activities of educating the underprivileged children.
Please make the cheques / Drafts payable to "Falah-e-Darain Trust" for the following Banks:
Faysal Bank Ltd:
IBB Allama Iqbal Branch, Lahore-Pakistan
Account No: 3025307900215536
IBAN No: PK56FAYS3025307900215536
Albaraka Bank Ltd:
Model Town Branch, Lahore –Pakistan
Account No. 0118366248401
IBAN No: PK91AIIN0000118366248401
Chartered Accountants
Yousaf Islam House
39-Link Farid Kot Road
Near A G Office
Lahore-54000 Pakistan
Tel: (92-42)37312590-37236167-37236169-70
Fax: (92-42)37236168
M/S Arshad Raheem & Co, Chartered Accountant are auditing the accounts on regular basis to ensure their transparency.
financial statement 2014
The school is run under spartan conditions and has very tight budget. There are no overheads and every penny contributed is directly spent towards the cause of educating the children.
The Trust derives all of its income from donations and contributions of the citizens and private organizations. FDT invites you as partners to actively participate, guide, support, donate and contribute to make this project a success and expand its activities of educating the underprivileged children.
Please make the cheques / Drafts payable to "Falah-e-Darain Trust" for the following Banks:
Faysal Bank Ltd:
IBB Allama Iqbal Branch, Lahore-Pakistan
Account No: 3025307900215536
IBAN No: PK56FAYS3025307900215536
Albaraka Bank Ltd:
Model Town Branch, Lahore –Pakistan
Account No. 0118366248401
IBAN No: PK91AIIN0000118366248401